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P.A. 2 / S.O. 2.2 - N. 321


Theatres for tOURism developmeNt in EuropE

Project Summary

The overall objective of TOURNEE is to establish closer cooperation among the key actors in the theatrical sector, by creating a durable Cluster of Theatre Institutions in the cross border area. TOURNEE will involve cross border experts in theatre productions, territorial marketing, cultural heritage management and tourism strategic policies, in creating innovative cultural products to strengthen exploitation of tourist destinations. As a result, an increasing role of theatres in supporting tourist economic growth is expected, as well as an improvement of public policies in cultural and tourist sectors.


ancient palace

Total budget 808.044,00 EUR
EU Contribution IPA co-financing 85%
Duration 2018 / 2020

Main Outputs

-    Cross border cooperation platform for theatre institutions
-    Theatrical productions and itinerant theatrical festival
-    Showcases and B2B meeting

Project Partnership
Lead Partner
Bashkia Fier (AL) - Contacts: Florjan Mucaj - florimucaj[at]
Project Partners
  1. Comune di Barletta (IT)
  2. Bashkia Tirane (AL)
  3. Javnaustanova "Grad teatar" Budva (ME)