12 April 2023
From 17 to 20 April Apulian and Albanian theater operators and institutions meet in Barletta

From 17 to 20 April Apulian and Albanian theatrical operators and institutions meet in Barletta with the aim of sharing opportunities, common production and commercial objectives and for cooperation between key players in the theatrical sector.


The activity is part of the cross-border cooperation project "Tournee Plus", funded by the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Program, which sees the Municipality of Barletta as leader in partnership with the Municipalities of Tirana and Fier in Albania. The Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, Regional Consortium for Arts and Culture, supports the Municipality of Barletta in the role of technical assistance.


For the occasion, the guests, all directors or managers of Albanian municipal theaters, were invited to attend a series of theater and music performances previously scheduled in Barletta by theater operators and to participate in a B2B with Apulian colleagues to verify the possibility of exchanges of shows, future co-productions, artistic collaborations,  organizational and technical between Albania and Puglia.


The Tournée Plus project, had a prologue in the previous weeks, on the occasion of a workshop held by Miltiadh Kutali, full professor of the University of Arts of Tirana, which involved teachers and students of the Schools of Barletta "Cassandro-Fermi-Nervi", "Leontine and G. De Nittis" and the "Carlo Cafiero" High School. 


Already on that occasion, on March 16, a first meeting was held between Kutali and some Apulian theater companies.


From Monday 17 to Thursday 20 April, the Albanian participants in the B2B will move from the Curci Theater to the Palazzo della Marra, from the Fantàsia Theater to the auditorium of the Gos Urban Laboratory, up to a special artistic incursion at the Municipal Nursery School of Barletta, to attend some shows as per the following program:


Monday, April 17th at 6:30 pm: Menhir Company in "LAZZARO" c/o Palazzo della Marra


Tuesday 18 April:


09:30 am, Company I Nuovi Scalzi in "SHAKE'N SPEARE" c / o Teatro Curci

10:30 am, Koreja Theatre in "LàQua", c / o Municipal Nursery School

8:30 pm, Il Carro dei ComiciCompany, in "Com'è chiara la notte", c/o Teatro Fantàsia

Wednesday 19 April:


09:30 am, Teatro Fantàsia Company in "Spedizioni Don Quixote", c/o Teatro Curci

5:00 pm, Soundiff Winds Orchestra in "Classical & Movie Songs", c/o Laboratorio Urbano Gos

8:30 pm,  Fattoria degli Artisti Company in "Pulcinella ed i comici erranti", c / o Teatro Fantàsia

Thursday 20 April:


11:45 am, Room To Play Company, in "IO, PINOCCHIO", c/o Teatro Curci

4:00 pm,  Sciarabbà Company in "A Senza Nome", c/o Teatro Fantàsia


Thursday, April 20 at 17.30 at the Teatro Fantàsia will be held the B2B between the Apulian theater operators and the directors of the Albanian municipal theaters.


The shows included in the program are those already programmed by the Municipality and TPP in other festivals (Children's Theatre and Dance) or programmed by the Companies resident in Barletta or already selected by Public Notice as part of the Tournèe project.


The shows scheduled at the Teatro Curci are reserved for a school audience.


For information and reservations of the shows at the Teatro Fantàsia: 3403310937


For information and reservations of the show at Palazzo della Marra 3275458920


For information and concert reservations at GOS - Laboratorio Urbano 3247994620